Wenching 8

Wenching 8
Wenching 8
Wenching 8
Wenching 8
This is a story of a self-proclaimed water goddess in a fantasy world. After a long mission, she decided to celebrate at an inn with a group of adventurers, indulging in alcohol. Suddenly, a random man offered her a fine booze with a peculiar trade in return…
これは、ある少女が主人公の物語だ。彼女は自称水の女神であり、ファンタジーの世界に住んでいる。長い任務を終えた彼女は、冒険者たちと一緒に宿で酒を飲み、祝うことにした。突然、見知らぬ男が彼女に高級酒を差し出し、奇妙な取引を持ちかけた…This is a story of a girl, a self-proclaimed water goddess in a fantasy world. After a long mission, she decided to celebrate at an inn with a group of adventurers, indulging in alcohol. Suddenly, a random man offered her a fine booze with a peculiar trade in return…(English product description provided by the creator.)

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